電気通信大学 瀧研究室
- Jay Yang*, Yudai Tabuchi, Riku Katsuki, and Masumi Taki*, bioTCIs: Middle-to-Macro Biomolecular Targeted Covalent Inhibitors Possessing Both Semi-Permanent Drug Action and Stringent Target Specificity as Potential Antibody Replacements, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24, 3525 (2023); in Topical Collection "State-of-the-Art Molecular Immunology in Japan"
- Y. Tabuchi, J. Yang* & M. Taki*, Relative Nuclease Resistance of a DNA Aptamer Covalently Conjugated to a Target Protein, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23, 7778 (2022); in Topical Collection "State-of-the-Art Macromolecules in Japan".
- Riku Katsuki, Tsubasa Numayama, Yudai Tabuchi, Jaiyam Sharma, Satake Naohito, Adarsh Sandhu and Masumi Taki*, Solvatochromic peptidic binder obtained via extended phage-display acts as a fluororeporter for fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD), Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 414,4803 (2022)
- Yudai Tabuchi, Takahito Watanabe, Riku Katsuki, Yuji Ito and Masumi Taki*, Direct screening of a target-specific covalent binder: stringent regulation of warhead reactivity in a match making environment, Chem. Commun., 57, 5378 (2021); front cover article.
- K. Mochizuki, L. Matsukura, Y. Ito, N. Miyashita*, M. Taki* Medium-firm drug-candidate library of cryptand-like structures on T7 phage: Design and selection of strong binder for Hsp90, Org. Biomol. Chem, 19, 146-150 (2021); front cover article.
- Y. Tabuchi, J. Yang*, M. Taki*, Inhibition of thrombin activity by a covalent-binding aptamer and reversal by the complementary strand antidote, Chem. Commun., 57, 2483 (2021), front cover article.
- M. Taki*, T. Yamashita, K. Yatabe, and V. Vogel*, Mechano-chromic protein?polymer hybrid hydrogel to visualize mechanical strain, Soft Matter, 15, 9388-9393 (2019), inside cover article.
- S. Hirasawa*, Y. Kitahara, Y. Okamatsu, T. Fujii, A. Nakayama, S. Ueno, C. Ijichi, F. Futaki, K. Nakata, and M. Taki* , Facile and Efficient Chemoenzymatic Semi-Synthesis of Fc-Fusion Compounds for Half-Life Extension of Pharmaceutical Components, Bioconj. Chem., 30, 2323-2331 (2019), front cover article.
- S. Uematsu, Y. Tabuchi, Y. Ito, and M. Taki*,Combinatorially Screened Peptide as Targeted Covalent Binder: Alteration of Bait-Conjugated Peptide to Reactive Modifier, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 29, 1866-1871 (2018).
- K. Yatabe, M. Hisada, Y. Tabuchi, and M. Taki*,Cysteine-reactive small photo-crosslinker possessing caged-fluorescence property: binding-site determination of a combinatorially-selected peptide by fluorescence imaging / tandem mass spectrometry, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19, 3682 (2018).
- Y. Tabuchi, M. Taki*, Fluorescent 'keep-on' type pharmacophore obtained from dynamic combinatorial library of Schiff bases, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 410, 6713-6717 (2018).
- S. Uematsu, T. Midorikawa, Yuji Ito, and M. Taki*, Selection of Turning-on Fluorogenic Probe as Protein-Specific Detector Obtained via the 10BASEd-T, AIP Conf. Proc., 1807, 020028 (2017).
- K. Arimitsu, H. Kimura, Y. Arai, K. Mochizuki, and M. Taki*, 18F-Containing Positron Emission Tomography Probe Conjugation Methodology for Biologics as Specific Binders for Tumors, Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 16, 2703-2724 (2016).
- M. Taki*, H. Inoue, K. Mochizuki, J. Yang, Y. Ito, Selection of color-changing and intensity-increasing fluorogenic probe as protein-specific indicator obtained via the 10BASEd-T, Anal. Chem., 88, 1096-1099 (2016).
- M. Taki*, and H. Kuroiwa, Unexpectedly fast transfer of positron-emittable artificial substrate into N-terminus of peptide/protein mediated by wild-type L/F-tRNA-protein transferase, Amino Acids,47,1279-1282 (2015).
- K. Fukunaga, T. Hatanaka, Y. Ito, M. Minami, and M. Taki*, Construction of a crown ether-like supramolecular library by conjugation of genetically-encoded peptide linkers displayed on bacteriophage T7, Chem. Commun., 50, 3921-3923 (2014), inside cover article.
- Y. Tokunaga, Y. Azetsu, K. Fukunaga, T. Hatanaka, Y. Ito and M. Taki*, Pharmacophore generation from a drug-like core molecule surrounded by library peptide via the 10BASEd-T on bacteriophage T7, Molecules, 19, 2481-2496 (2014).
- K. Fukunaga, T. Hatanaka, Y. Ito, and M. Taki*, Gp10 based-thioetherification (10BASE(d)-T) on a displaying library peptide of bacteriophage T7, Molecular BioSystems, 9, 2988-2991 (2013).
- J. Kawaguchi, K. Maejima, H. Kuroiwa, and M. Taki*, Kinetic analysis of the leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA-protein transferase with acceptor peptides possessing different N-terminal penultimate residues, FEBS Open Bio, 3, 252-255 (2013).
- K. Fukunaga* and M. Taki*, Practical Tips for Construction of Custom Peptide Libraries and Affinity Selection by Using Commercially Available Phage Display Cloning Systems, J. Nucl. Acids, Volume 2012, Article ID 295719, doi:10.1155/2012/295719 (2012).
- T. Hamamoto, M. Sisido, T. Ohtsuki, and M. Taki*, Synthesis of cyclic peptide/ protein using the NEXT-A Reaction followed by cyclization, Chem. Commun., 47, 9116-9118 (2011).
- K. Kitamura*, M. Taki, N. Tanaka, I. Yamashita, Fission yeast Ubr1 ubiquitin ligase influences the oxidative stress response via degradation of active Pap1 bZIP transcription factor in the nucleus, Mol. Microbiol., 80, 839-755 (2011).
- M. Taki*, Y. Yamazaki, Y. Suzuki, M. Sisido*, Introduction of a highly photodurable and common-laser excitable fluorescent amino acid into a peptide as a FRET acceptor for protease cleavage detection, Chem. Lett., 39, 818-819 (2010).
- K. Ebisu, H. Tateno, H. Kuroiwa, K. Kawakami, M. Ikeuchi, J. Hirabayashi, M. Sisido*, M. Taki*, N-terminal specific point-immobilization of active proteins via the one-pot NEXT-A method, ChemBioChem, 10, 2460-2464 (2009).
- M. Taki*, H. Kuroiwa, M. Sisido*, Chemoenzymatic transfer of fluorescent non-natural amino acids to the N terminus of a protein/peptide, ChemBioChem, 9, 719-722 (2008).
- M. Taki*, and M. Sisido*, L/F-tRNA-protein transferase-mediated aminoacyl transfer of a nonnatural amino acid to the N-terminus of peptides and proteins and subsequent Functionalization by bioorthogonal reactions, Biopolymers: Peptide Science, 88, 263-271 (2007).
- M. Taki*, A. Kuno, S. Matoba, Y. Kobayashi, J. Futami, H. Murakami, H. Suga, K. Taira, T. Hasegawa, and M. Sisido*, Leucyl/Phenylalanyl-tRNA-protein transferase-mediated chemoenzymatic coupling of N-terminal Arg/Lys units in post-translationally processed proteins with nonnatural amino acids, ChemBioChem, 7, 1676-1679 (2006).
- M. Taki, Y. Tokuda, T. Ohtsuki, and M. Sisido*, Design of carrier tRNAs and selection of four-base codons for efficient incorporation of various nonnatural amino acids into proteins in Spodoptera frugiperda 21 (Sf21) insect cell-Free translation system, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 102, 511-517 (2006).
- M. Taki, J. Matsushita, M. Sisido*, Expanding the Genetic Code in a Mammalian Cell Line by the Introduction of Four-Base Codon/Anticodon Pairs, ChemBioChem, 7, 425-428 (2006).
- H. Hamada, N. Kameshima, A. Szymanska, K. Wegner, L. Lankiewicz, H. Shinohara, M. Taki, M. Sisido*, Position-specific incorporation of a highly photodurable and blue-laser excitable fluorescent amino acid into proteins for fluorescence sensing, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 13(10), 3379-3384 (2005).
- M. Taki, Y. Kato, M. Miyagishi, Y. Takagi, K. Taira*, Small interfering RNA (siRNA) expression in cells based on an efficiently constructed dumbbell-shaped DNA, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl., 43, 3160-3163 (2004).
- M. Taki, M. Shiota, and K. Taira*, Enzymatic N- and C- terminal fluorescein labelling of a protein in vitro can support the native activity of the modified protein, Protein Eng., 17, 119-126 (2004).
- M. Taki, T. Hohsaka, H. Murakami, K. Taira, and M. Sisido*, Position-Specific Incorporation of a Fluorophore-Quencher Pair into a Single Streptavidin through Orthogonal Four-Base Codon/Anticodon Pairs, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 14586-14590 (2002).
- M. Taki, and K. Taira*, Synthesis of novel Luminescent Substrates and their incorporation into a protein only at a terminal site via a transglutaminase-catalyzed enzymatic reaction, Chem. Lett., 33, 234-235 (2004).
- Y. Tanaka, Y. Kasai, S. Mochizuki, A. Wakisaka, E. H. Morita, C. Kojima, A. Toyozawa, Y. Kondo, M. Taki, Y. Takagi, A. Inoue, K. Yamasaki, K. Taira*, Nature of the Chemical Bond Formed with the Structural Metal Ion at the A9/G10.1 Motif Derived from Hammerhead Ribozymes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126(3), 744-752 (2004).
- Y. Ikeda, S. Kawahara, M. Taki, A. Kuno, T. Hasegawa, K. Taira*, Synthesis of a novel histidine analog and its efficient incorporation into a protein in vivo, Protein Engineering, 16(9), 699-706 (2003).
- M. Taki, T. Hohsaka, H. Murakami, K. Taira*, and M. Sisido, Highly sensitive fluorescent nonnatural amino acids that can be incorporated into specific positions of streptavidin, Phosphorous, Sulfur and Silicon, 177, 1929-1930 (2002).
- M. Taki, S. Y. Sawata, and K. Taira*, Specific N-terminal biotinylation of a protein in vitro by a chemically modified tRNAfmet can support the native activity of the translated protein, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 92, 149-153 (2001).
- M. Taki, T. Hohsaka, H. Murakami, K. Taira, and M. Sisido*, A non-natural amino acid for efficient incorporation into proteins as a sensitive fluorescent probe, FEBS Lett., 507, 35-38 (2001).
- M. Taki, H. Murakami, M. Sisido*, A chiral Eu3+-thienoyltrifluoroacetone complex on an avidin tetramer:Luminescence and CD studies on the supramolecular protein-metal chelate complex, Chem. Comm., 1199 (2000).
- Y. Nakamura, M. Taki, A. Asami, S. Inokuma, K. Hiratani, K. Taguchi, M. Higuchi, J. Nishimura*, Langmuir Films of Amphiphilic [60]Fullerene Derivatives, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 73(7), 1615-1619 (2000).
- Y. Nakamura, M. Taki, S. Tobita, H. Yokoi, K. Ishiguro, Y. Sawaki, J. Nishimura*, Photophysical properties of various regioisomers of [60]fullerene-o-quinodimethane bis-adducts, Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry, (1), 127-130 (1999).
- M. Taki, Y. Nakamura, H. Uehara, M. Sato, and J. Nishimura*, [60]Fullerene (A1,D1)-Bisadducts: CD Spectra of Enantiomers and Diastereospecific Synthesis, Enantiomer, 3, 231-239 (1998).
- M. Taki, S. Takigami, Y. Watanabe, Y. Nakamura, and J. Nishimura*, Synthesis of Polyesters Containing [60]Fullerene Moiety in the Main Chain by Mild Surface Condensation Method, Polym. J., 29, 1020-1022 (1997).
- M. Taki, S. Sugita, Y. Nakamura, E. Kasashima, E. Yashima, Y. Okamoto, and J. Nishimura*, Selective Functionalization on [60]Fullerene Governed by Tether Length, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 109, 926-932 (1997).
- Y. Nakamura, M. Taki, J. Nishimura*, Nomenclature of [60]fullerene derivatives by edge labeling, Chem. Lett., (8), 703-4 (1995).
- M. Igarashi, M. Fukuda, M. Taki, T. Tago, T. Minowa, Y. Okada, J. Nishimura*, Photoreduction of water by the system of C60-platinum-methylviologen, Fullerene Science and Technology, 3(1), 37-43 (1995).

招待講演, 依頼公演, セミナー
- Masumi Taki, Turn-on/keep-on fluctuated fluorescent molecules as targeted binders, 第58回日本生物物理学会年会, 2020.
- 瀧真清, 小・中・高分子、何でもアリの分子標的型薬剤/医用材料開発, 電通大先端化学セミナー(UEC Frontier Materials Seminar),2019年11月26日
- M. Taki, Turn-on / keep-on fluorescent molecules as targeted binders, The third international workshop on symbiosis of biology and nanodevices (JSPS), 奈良市, 2019年6月26日.
- 瀧真清, 外来医薬品を駆逐するためのハイブリッド分子の作製:化学・生物学的技術を中心とした悪アガキ, 日本大学 公開セミナー(Bioanalytical and Biomedicinal Chemistry), 2018年9月19日.
- 瀧真清,生体系と人工系の良いとこ取りをしたネオバイ分子の創成と実験医学へ展開, 早稲田大学・先進理工学部(化学・生命化学科)セミナー,2018年7月10日.
- 瀧真清,創薬を指向したT7ファージウィルス上でのネオバイオ分子の創成, 日本農芸化学会2018年度大会 シンポジウム4SY17, 名城大学・天白キャンパス, 2018年3月17日.
- M. Taki, Engineering Neobiologics for Drug-Discovery, ETHセミナー, チューリッヒ市(スイス), 2017年9月13日.
- M. Taki, Creation of neobiological molecules via the 10BASEd-T for drug discovery,ポーランド科学アカデミーセミナー, ワルシャワ市, 2017年6月8日.
- 瀧真清,生体系と人工系の良いとこ取りをしたネオバイオ分子の創成と実験医学への展開, 新潟大学コアステーション第7回研究シンポジウム, 新潟市,2017年3月14日.
- 瀧真清,創薬を指向したT7ファージウィルス上でのネオバイオ分子の創成とLC/MSによる反応解析, 千葉大学・第5回 大学連携研究設備ネットワーク研究成果報告会(第2回 千葉質量分析懇談会), 千葉市, 2017年3月8日.
- M. Taki, Turn-on and Color-changeable Fluorogenic Molecular Probe for Specific Protein Detection Created by the 10BASEd-T, The IRAGO conference 2016, 調布市, 2016年11月1日.
- M. Taki, Artificial Molecule Evolution via the 10BASEd-T, ETHセミナー, チューリッヒ市(スイス), 2016年9月26日.
- 瀧真清, 創薬・診断を目指した10BASEd-T法の応用:ファージ上での人工分子の共進化, 第1回埼玉大学先端産業国際ラボラトリー 次世代抗体の有効活用ワークショップ, さいたま市, 2016年9月21日.
- 瀧真清, 人工分子コアの10BASEd-T法による進化, 第16回日本蛋白質科学会年会ワークショップ, 福岡市, 2016年6月9日.
- 瀧真清, 進化分子工学(10BASEd-T法)による人工抗体代替物の創成, 第11回理研「バイオものづくり」シンポジウム, 和光市, 2016年3月4日.
- 瀧真澄, 人工分子の進化によるものづくり(創薬システム工学を中心に), 第101回 複合材料懇話会, 桐生市, 2015年9月4日.
- 瀧真澄, 10BASEd-T法による人工分子コアの進化, 第47回若手ペプチド夏の勉強会, 塩尻市, 2015年8月11日.
- M.taki, Construction of peptide/protein-hybrid molecules via the NEXT-A and the 10BASEd-T reaction for PET imaging, The 9th ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2015), 岡山県、2015年6月20日
- M.Taki, Artificial Molecule Evolution via the 10BASEd-T, IMS Asian International Symposium (Supramolecular Dynamics at the Interface of Chemistry and Biology) , 岡崎市(愛知県)、2015年6月12日
- M. Taki,Drug-discovery systems engineering: construction of peptide/protein hybrid molecules via the NEXT-A and/or the 10BASEd-T reaction?ABIT's 7th annual congress of industrial biotechnology (ibio)-2014大連市(中国)、2014年4月27日
- M. Taki,Cancer detection and cure: antibody drugs and (hybrid) peptides as antibody substitutes?AThe second conference on interdisciplinary research in traditional medicine and modern medical bioscience南京市(中国)、2014年4月24日
- M. Taki,Position-specific modification of nucleic acids/peptides/proteins toward pharmaceutical systems engineering、南京医科大学学術講演、南京市(中国)、2014年4月23日
- 瀧真清, 創薬システムエンジニアリング:NEXT-A法および10BASEd-T法の開発, 群馬大学 H25年度夏期複合材料研究会, 草津市, 2013年7月21日.
- 瀧真清, NEXT-A反応による蛋白質/ペプチドの迅速標識, ハイペップ研究所 第11回紅葉ワークショップ, 京都市, 2012年12月21日
- M. Taki,Introduction of functional amino acids at the N-terminus of peptide/protein by the NEXT-A (N-Terminal EXtension with Transferase and ARS) reaction、コペンハーゲン大学セミナー、コペンハーゲン市(デンマーク)、2011年9月6日
- 瀧真清, NEXT-A反応を用いた蛋白質N末端への機能性非天然アミノ酸導入, 第11回日本蛋白質科学会年会ワークショップ, 大阪、2011年6月7日
- M. Taki,Introduction of functional amino acids at the N-terminus of peptide/protein by the NEXT-A (N-Terminal EXtension with Transferase and ARS) reaction、第4回HiPep沖縄国際ワークショップ公開講演会、那覇市、2010年7月9日
- M. Taki?AAn invited lecture-Regiospecific modifications of (bio)macromolecules、ポーランド科学アカデミー、ワルシャワ市、2009年9月4日
- 瀧真清,L/F-transferaseを用いた蛋白質N末端特異的な蛍光および陽電子放射断層撮影(PET)プローブ標識, 大阪大学蛋白質研究所セミナー:蛋白質合成法の最近の進歩と生命科学, 大阪府吹田市, 2008年9月26日
- 瀧真清、Regiospecific modifications of (bio)macromolecules、第40回ペプチド夏の勉強会、小樽市、2007年8月7日
- 瀧真清、松下 治朗、宍戸 昌彦, 4塩基コドン/アンチコドン対を用いた哺乳動物 生細胞内での遺伝暗号の拡張, 第7回日本蛋白質科学会年会, 仙台、2007年5月24日

- M. Taki*, Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of biologics-fused hybrid molecules via NEXT-A reaction, Peptide Science 2019, 2020
- Riku Katsuki, Tsubasa Numayama and Masumi Taki*, A solvatochromic binder obtained via an extended phage-display acts as a fluororeporter for the fragment-based drug discovery, Peptide Science 2020, 121-122 (2021).
- Riku Katsuki, Yudai Tabuchi and Masumi Taki*, Construct of cyclic peptide phage library containing covalent warhead, Peptide Science 2021, 69-70 (2022).
- Takashi Abe, Yudai Tabuchi and Masumi Taki*, Reversal of covalent conjugation of benzoxaborole-modified targeted peptide by reduction, Peptide Science 2021, 17-18 (2022).
- Yudai Tabuchi, Riku Katsuki, Yuji Ito, and Masumi Taki*, Direct combinatorial screening of a target-specific covalent binding peptide: activation of the warhead reactivity in a pseudo-catalytic microenvironment, Peptide Science 2021, 15-16 (2022).
- M. Taki*, Combinatorially Screened Peptide as Targeted Covalent Binder, Peptide Science 2018, p.36 (2019).
- 谷田部和貴、田淵雄大、望月和人、瀧真澄*, , 「ファージディスプレイ法を利用した機能性ペプチドスクリーニング」, 医薬品開発における中分子領域(核酸医薬・ペプチド医薬)の開発戦略(情報機構), p.139-143 (2019).
- S. Hirasawa and M. Taki*, Bioconjugation approach towards peptide-?Fc fusion compounds, Peptide Science 2016, p.205-206 (2017).
- K. Yahiro, T. Yamakoshi, J. Yang, S. Watanabe, and M. Taki, Theoretical/Experimental Structural Analysis of Protein-Ligand Interaction between GST and its Fluorogenic Binder Created by the 10BASEd-T, Peptide Science 2015, p.89-90 (2016).
- Y. Arai, and M. Taki, Synthesis of Multicyclic Library for Finding Strong Target-Specific Binders, Peptide Science 2014, p.267-268 (2015).
- H. Inoue, R. Asano, and M. Taki, Artificial Macrocycle as a Functional-Equivalent of Catalytic Antibody, Peptide Science 2014, p.269-270(2015).
- K. Fukunaga, T. Hatanaka, Y. Ito, and M. Taki, An Artificial Molecule-Peptide Hybrid Discovered via the 10BASEd-T Binds to the Substrate-Binding Site of Glutathione S-Transferase, Peptide Science 2013, p.91-92 (2014).
- Y. Tokunaga, K. Fukunaga, T. Hatanaka, Y. Ito, and M. Taki, Selection of Streptavidin-Binding Artificial Peptide Posessing Salicylic Acid Moiety via the 10BASEd-T on the Bacteriophage T7, Peptide Science 2013, p.173-174 (2014).
- K. Fukunaga, and M. Taki, Construction of a Peptide Expression Vector Library for Phenotypic Screening of Bioactive Peptides in Yeast, Peptide Science 2013, p.421-422 (2014).
- 瀧真清, 第2章「創薬システムエンジニアリング:NEXT-A法および10BASEd-T法の開発」, 総合コミュニケーション科学シリーズ ユニーク&エキサイティング サイエンス2(近代科学社), p.39-67 (2013).
- Y. Tokuda, H. Kimura, H. Saiki, M. Taki, and H. Saji, Synthesis of N-terminal specific PET-probe labeling of peptides via the NEXT-A reaction, Peptide Science 2012, p.41-42 (2013).
- T. Hamamoto, M. Sisido, T. Ohtsuki, and M. Taki*, Synthesis of cyclic peptides using the NEXT-A Reaction, Peptide Science 2010, p.113 (2011).
- 瀧真清*、宍戸 昌彦、第4章「L/F-転移酵素による機能性非天然アミノ酸の蛋白質N末端への導入」酵素利用技術大系(NTS社)p.497-504 (2010).
- M. Taki*, K. Ebisu, H. Kuroiwa, and M. Sisido*, N-Terminal Specific Point-Immobilization and Fluorescence Labeling of Peptide/Protein by the One-Pot NEXT-A Reaction, Peptide Science 2009, p.83-84 (2010).
- 瀧真清*、宍戸 昌彦、第2章「タンパク質工学の基礎」バイオプロセスハンドブック(NTS社)p.27-58 (2007).
- M. Taki*, Y. Suzuki, Y. Yamazaki, and M. Sisido*, Position-specific Incorporation of Blue-laser Excitable Fluorescent Amino Acids into Peptides and Proteins, Peptide Science, p.12 (2006).
- Y. Nakamura, M. Taki, S. Tobita, H. Shizuka, A. Mori, and J. Nishimura, Spectroscopic properties of some [60]fullerene-o-quinodimethane monoadducts and bisadducts, Fullerenes-Vol. 4 (Recent Advances in the Chemistry and Physics of Fullerenes and Related Materials), ed. by K. M. Kadish and R. S. Ruoff, Electrochem. Soc. Inc., Pennington, p 37-44 (1997).

- 田淵雄大瀧真清*, Covalent Biologics:中・高分子型共有結合性薬剤, ファルマシア, 57, 1019-1024 (2021).
- 田淵雄大瀧真清*, 薬剤の中和が可能なアプタマー型共有結合性薬剤の開発, 生物工学会誌, 99, 172-175 (2021).
- M. Taki*, Editorial: Chemical and Biological Technology for In Vivo and Molecular Imaging, Curr. Top. Med. Chem., 16, 2635-2637 (2016).
- 瀧真清*、伊東 祐二、人工コアのファージ上での分子進化、生物工学会誌, 94 (8), 473-476.
- 瀧真清*、PACIFICHEM2015今昔、Peptide Newsletter Japan, 100, 23-25 (2016).
- 瀧真清、L/F-転移酵素を用いた蛋白質N末端への機能性非天然アミノ酸導入、生体機能関連化学部会Newsletter, 23, 3-6 (2008).
- 瀧真清、カリフォルニア工科大学における研究教育、Peptide Newsletter Japan, 67(1), 11-13 (2008).
- 瀧真清、気になった論文, 生命化学研究レター, 23(2), 22-25 (2007).
- 宍戸昌彦,瀧真清、大槻高史、芳坂貴弘、非天然アミノ酸の導入による蛋白質の蛍光ラベル法とその応用, 蛋白質核酸酵素, 51(5), 399-407 (2006).
- 瀧真清、宍戸昌彦, 活性蛋白質の蛍光標識技術, 化学, 59, 72-73 (2004).
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- M. Taki*, Design, Selection, and Engineering of Targeted Hybrid-Middle Molecules via 10BASEd-T / NEXT-A Reactions, PACIFICHEM2021, O-16 (Section #370), 2021.
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- M. Taki*, T. Hamamoto, and M. Sisido, Synthesis of cyclic peptides/proteinsusing the NEXT-A/Cyclization reaction, 4th European Conference on Chemistry for Life Sciences (4ECCLS), ?u?_?y?X?g?s?i?n???K???[?j,2011?N9??1??.
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- H. Hamada, R. Abe, M. Taki, H. Shinohara, T. Hohsaka, M. Sisido, Synthesis and antigen-binding properties of fluorescent labeled camel antibody, Proc. Electrochem. Soc., 004-08(Chemical Sensors VI), 431-435 (2004).
- H. Hamada, H. Shinohara, N. Kameshima, M. Taki, A. Syzmanska, T. Hohsaka, M. Sisido, Creation of artificial fluorescence protein in which a novel fluorescent nonnatural amino acid is site-specifically incorporated for new biosensing, Chemical Sensors, 21(Suppl. A), 184-186 (2005).
- M. Taki, Y. Kato, M. Miyagishi, Y. Takagi, M. Sano, K. Taira, A direct and efficient synthesis method for dumbbell-shaped linear DNA using PCR in vitro, Nucleic Acids Res. Supl., 3, 191-192 (2003).
- T. Ichikawa, A. Kuno, M. Taki, T. Hohsaka, M. Sisido, S. Kaneko, K. Taira, H. Kobayashi, and T. Hasegawa, Site-directed incorporation of non-natural amino acid into Streptomyces xylanase, Nucleic Acids Res. Supl., 4, 161 - 162(2004).
- A. Kuno, M. Taki, K. Taira, T. Hasegawa, Leucyl/Phenylalanyl (L/F)-tRNA-protein transferase-mediated N-terminal specific labelling of a protein in vitro, Nucleic Acids Res. Supl., 3, 259-260 (2003).
- M. Taki, T. Hohsaka, H. Murakami, A. Kuno, T. Hasegawa, K. Taira, M. Sisido, A novel fluorescent nonnatural amino acid that can be incorporated into a specific position of streptavidin, Nucleic Acids Res. Supl., 2, 203-204 (2002).
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- M. Taki, S. Y. Sawata K. Taira, A novel immobilization method of an active protein via in vitro N-terminal specific incorporation system of nonnatural amino acids, Nucleic Acids Res. Supl., 1, 197-198 (2001).

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